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COVID 19 Updates
At this time, the plan to immunize is divided up in to THREE phases:
PHASE 1A -STARTING 12/15/20 ! Health care workers (HCW) likely to be exposed/treat COVID-19 patients Long-term care facility residents and staff who have patient contact Clinical and support staff who have patient contact– priority should be given to the following groups: HCW (all classes including support personnel) primarily located in the ED and ICU, providing care to COVID patients EMS (EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES) with patient contact Home health care clinical staff and caregivers who have contact with multiple patients/vulnerable people Other health care providers/staff who have patient contact
PHASE 1B :VACCINATE ESSENTIAL WORKERS (teachers, rescue, police/fire, utilities, food )
Please remember:
· Vaccination is the best weapon we have to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
· The most important thing you can do right now is to continue to be vigilant and WEAR your mask and SOCIAL distance to continue to stop the spread. Encourage your family and friends to do this, too.
· There is no need for you to call us about getting the vaccine. We are not making appointments or creating waiting lists for vaccination of the general public as this is being coordinated by the Vermont Department of Health.
· COVID-19 vaccines are rigorously tested before they are released for public use. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are considered highly effective in reducing the rate of COVID-19 disease. While these vaccines are being developed at an accelerated pace, the fast-track process focuses on safety and effectiveness through vaccination trials involving thousands of participants.
· Front-line caregivers are being vaccinated first to keep them safe, healthy and available to provide care for those who need it.
· Stay informed – watch for our emails, see the VDH and Pfizer page for the most up to date information:
· Any additional questions; "who should get the vaccine?" , "when and where will I get the vaccine?" etc, please review the above links for answers and we will also update you as the plan progresses.
Stay well and stay safe.
Laura, Ania & Alysha
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